Men’s Health

An important objective of the Gladstone Men’s Shed is to help improve men’s physical health and emotional well-being.  We regularly hold seminars and distribute information to promote men’s health issues including that distributed by the Australian Men’s Shed Assoc’s own site Male Health
To view information from the respective health organisations, click on the links in blue to go to their websites for specialised subjects or for a series of health questions answered by Australian Health Professionals go to Healthshare

Sleep Health

Don’t ignore the gasping snore, snoring can be an indication for untreated sleep apnea.  See Sleep Health Foundation or advice on sleep and fact sheets with a wealth of knowledge written by experts.


Diabetes is a serious complex condition which can affect the entire body.  Complications include heart attack, stroke, kidney disease, limb amputation, depression, anxiety and blindness.  Diabetes Queensland is there to help everyone, as anyone can develop diabetes.


FAST is an easy way to remember the key signs of Stroke, find our how to know if someone is having a stroke go to strokefoundation but stroke is always a medical emergency – if you recognise the signs call 000 immediately.


Causes of hearing loss, fact sheets and other information can be found on the Hearing Awareness Week site, as well as Help with Hearing Loss  provided by the Australian Government’s Department of Health.

Management of Arthritis

At Home With Arthritis as a booklet it is one of the many great resources available for those of us who have arthritis. Hints and tips on how to keep those joints moving, managing arthritis in the home, reducing joint stress and pain and much more.

Depression and Anxiety

Beyond Blue is working to reduce the impact of depression and anxiety in the community, while Man Therapy is a tool kit enabling men to learn more to protect your mind fitness and to guide you when you require support.  Further good sites on mental health and well-being are Mind Health Connect and This Way Up

ManSpace Online

Health and Fitness is included, but the ManSpace Magazine has stories from Men’s Sheds to Man Caves including cars and bikes, hobbies, tools, tips and tricks.  There are great audio and video clips on all sorts of entertaining subjects.

Prostate Cancer

There are several good sites devoted to providing information and support on issues surrounding Prostate Cancer, links have been provided here to Cancer Council Australia and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, while a support system has been provided by Prostmate – an initiative of Australian Prostate Cancer Research.

Kidney, Bladder & Prostate

Links that the Prostate Cancer Support Group provide for information on the kidney, bladder and prostate include each the Andrology and Continence and Urology/Oncology organisations, which are not necessarily all male health problems

Donate Life

The Gladstone Men’s Shed had an excellent guest speaker in May on organ and tissue donation.  It was interesting to find out what they can do with donations from both live patients and those who have passed away.  As the driver’s licence is not a reliable source of your wishes, it is possible to sign up anytime at Donate Life.


What is dementia? Who gets dementia? What are the early signs?  The right services and support can make a positive difference to managing dementia and understanding Alzheimer’s.  Answers to these questions and more can be found at Alzheimer’s Australia.